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Golden « Oldies » at the Youth Olympics Games
Check out the new site of Refuge de Solacyre Leysin and become a member to support the effort.
A message from Phones LUCAS JACOBUS van der KAAY and PAOLO DONATANTONIO

Welcome to the new FROF web site. As the old database was woefully out of date, we have decided that everyone needs to create a new account. To become a member please send an email to Please state your link to Club Vagabond, so it will be easier to approve you. If you have forgotten your password you can reset it here.
This is the virtual home of FROF [The Free Republic Of Feydey] a very loose association of people who live or have lived in Leysin-Feydey, Switzerland. Read more about the origins of FROF
I just bought: ‘Winds Of Spring: Safeguarding the Orion Protocols‘ by Robert Hutchison via @amazonkindle …

Over 160 people meet in Leysin for the Vagabond 50th Reunion
Sept 8-14, 2011
Checkout the photos in the photo gallery
Newreal Tracks from Yannick Guillermin on Vimeo. | RAVE IS KING [full movie] from Yannick Guillermin on Vimeo. |
TireAlien from Newreal Productions on Vimeo. |
16 replies on “Welcome to the FROF website”
Am I crazy?? Am I seeing things?? Is this what I think it is??
If it is in fact the Vag up for sale, then we’d better get all our francs in a row!!
A little late but you might be able to get an apartment now for sale in what was the VAG…for 500.000.00 swis franks each…ALL new apartments..
The Vagabond chalet was bought and has been renovated quite nicely. If anyone is interested in buying one of the apartments, the contact is +41 24 466 7650.
Wow, I stayed at Club Vagabond in 1978 – I was an eight year old kid travelling with my dad who lived and worked in the area when he travelled in HIS youth. I wish he’d known about the reunion 🙁
Well, we lived in Leysin in 1968-69. My mother, Dr Robins, was lecturing in Philosophy at the American College of Swizterland under Dean Zagier, and much of the student life revolved around the Vagabond Club. So, fond memories.
Dorian Lowell
I just stumbled across this site, on a whim I googled “Leysin, Club Vagabond”. Live in Boston, work often at WHO in Geneva. In summer 1969, I spent a great 3 weeks at Club Vagabond. Dougal Haston was holding court in the bar. Went skiing at Diablerets… Will be in Geneva in Jan. 2013 and I may make a pilgrimage to see what’s become of it. Cheers
Hey Dan, I have a favor to ask. Can you drop me an email when you have sometime?
Glenda Brindle (nee Milich) from Australia worked at Hotel Central Residence in 1975.
I am in Switzerland on my way to Leysin to reminisce the good old days at Club Vagabond, and just to see Leysin again.
I visited several times in March 1973 when visiting my uncle Jim Lavery and his wife Kathy Lavery. They drove a 1961 blue vw cargo van. there was a big fire and seriously bohemian sideburns.
Thank you sooo much Tom, indeed being apart of the Vag family was a unique, warm, loving place with vagabonds looking for the next spot but never left, never boring, surrounded by magnificent beauty that changed daily, a time of which I will never forget, ever! Without you to document our lives there we would not be together in this way, I thank you for that.
I am sorry to have missed the Reunion, had I’d known for sure I would have been there. Any plans for the future?
Hi Yvonne!
Hi Yvonne:
Well, what a pleasant surprise. I think the last time we met was when you came through the Vag with your parents, and we spent a short time together.
I was working in Lausanne when I discovered the Vag in the fall of 1964. I became its winter barman in the fall of 1965, then hung around for the summer – cooking in the Vag kitchen, teaching English at a girl’s school in Leysin – until the fall of 1966, when I returned to Canada. So somewhere in that time period we met.
I went to Montreal, married an Italian Montrealer, raised three children, and worked as an architect until I retired around 2004.
I’m still in Montreal, trying to stay busy in retirement. I’m inhad a chance to attend the reunion touch occasionally with Sonia Tesarski, Ducky, Paul Murrill, Kathinka (Thierens) Makela, Hilly and a couple of other ex-Vagabonders. I had a chance to attend the big reunion but decided not to. There were about 200 people there!
Hope you are well. Would be nice to hear from you!
Brian Rogers [Baie d’Urfe, Quebec]
Hi Brian
I was taking a walk down memory lane this afternoon and saw your comment.
We did have the time of our lives.
It was always nice to keep in touch with you during our working years in Montreal. I retired in October 2004
Robin Morton
Montreal, Canada
March 24 2018
I lived in Leysin from 1988 till 1991! It’s where I met my dearest friends Becky and Yves Wenger and Al Rumble! We all moved to whistler in 1991 and have been here ever since raising our families together! I know the vag lives on in our hearts!
I was there. And it was great.
Was talking to my daughter who is leaving for a summer of backpacking in Europe. I was boring her with an old man’s memories of my backpacking days in 1968-70 and mentioned the old Vagabond. One thing led another and I googled Club Vagabond. Not surprised to find a website or two. I still have my membership card and many great memories of the old place. Salud.