50th Anniversary Reunion 2011

Sept 8-14, 2011 in Leysin, Switzerland

All Vagabonders are invited to join us in Leysin for this reunion to help create some more memories of the village and the place that changed so many lives and brought us so many lasting friendships.Carol Rankin and Dave and Johanne Smithwill be here to greet you.The first night, Sept 8th we plan to have a welcoming dinner at La Fromagerie in the lower village at 7 p.m. Come at 6.30 to chat with friends if you wish.Information as to accommodation possibilities are as follows:Leysin hotels and B&Bs listed for Leysin can be found here http://www.leysin.ch/en/accommodation/.It is so important that you all pass the word on to those for whom we do not have any direct contact.

We are looking forward to seeing our old friends as well as making many new ones.

This is a huge undertaking but do know that you are all part of what is now known as “The Legend of Club Vagabond“.

Johanne Smith



6 comment(s) on this page.

Feb 21, 2011 09:25

What a shame the reunion is not winter…

Geoff Swift
Mar 4, 2011 18:16

I am so looking forward to this. There will be enough snow when I get back home.

Richard Asmus
Mar 8, 2011 03:33

Anyone looking for roomates for the reunion for the sake of economy. Filling a 5 bed room may be a cheap option.

Johanne Smith
Mar 24, 2011 20:44

To Richard Asmus from Johanne Smith. I am checking out a place for you to stay and will get back to you asap. XO Johanne

Brian Skehill
Mar 26, 2011 00:39

Ramsey see you at the reunion.


5 replies on “50th Anniversary Reunion 2011”

We would have lived to be there but have booked 2 weeks in Port Douglas late Sept so will not be able to attend. We did go back to Leysin Jan 2009 for our 20th Wedding Anniversary & took our two teenage boys – it was awesome to be back there & will be again one day. Have a great time everyone.

Thanks so much to all the organizers and townspeople who put a great amount of effort into it.
It was wonderful to meet up with “old” faces from 1965/66 and to make new friends who were at The Vag during the 70’s and 80’s
Robin Morton

Hi Robin, Sorry we did,nt exchange addresses in Leysin. Yes it was a great event and it was really good seeing you again. Send me your e/mail no and I,ll get back to you. All the best. Ginger

Hi Pete. My email address is robgburton44 at live.co.uk. Great seeing you in Leysin.Hope the rest of your stay worked out ok. will be in touch. ginger

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